Support the families with a disabled child to improve their housing conditions

The home plays a fundamental role in families with disabled persons, simply because you will spend a lot of time in one, or in the most serious cases even the entire day. A house must be adapted to the diverse and complex needs of these families.

Our cities are becoming increasingly barrier-free, but unfortunately the outside world is still full of obstacles. For this reason, the home must be a safe and comfortable nest.

We began researching of the policies in place in other European countries regarding the facilities granted to disabled people in the home and the removal of architectural obstacles. We hope to finish this work soon and share the results.

In Italy, there exists laws that grant tax deductions and subsidies for the removal of architectural barriers, however this law is subjected to funding issues and regional specific provisions.

As a no-profit organisation, we would like to submit two requests to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate concerning the housing of families with disabled people:

  • To extend the term by at least 3 years within the first house can be sold in order to benefit from the reduced registration tax;
  • To extend the first house guarantee fund (Fondo di Garanzia Mutui Prima casa) managed by CONSAP S.p.A to families who are forced to move to a new home more suitable for a disabled persons needs.

Next week we will submit these requests to all members of Parliament who might take it into consideration in the next Stability Law.

Please, feel free to share any information about your own countries laws concerned support the families with a disabled child to improve their housing conditions. We will be grateful if you do so.


Translation: Caterina Lori

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