The meeting of the organization! What we did and what we will do

The board met on March 11th. What was done during the first months of the association’s life was discussed (November and December 2017), and the 2018 activities were planned.

During 2017, following a report by some families living in Valle d’Aosta, we conducted a small research on the school transport system for students with disabilities. The research compared the solutions adopted by the Regions in Northern Italy. In the course of our initiative we have involved the Ombudsman of Valle d’Aosta who requested clarification to the Region. In this post you can read the report of the initiative that guarantees again free transportation service for Valle D’Aosta students with disabilities:

Last year we promoted a proposal for the adoption of guidelines on artificial nutrition in school. The proposal we presented: Children with peg at school . As of today we have not received any feedback from the children and adolescents’ Guarantor, but thanks to the involvement of some parents we can continue with our research in the Italian regions. Our focus is mainly on the Veneto Region. From to the initial analysis of the documents studied so far, Veneto is the Italian region that has best tackled the issue.

We started the initiative a bit of live,“un po’di vita” (#unpodivita), and the board decided, with the exclusion of exceptional cases, to concentrate the efforts of this initiative in Valle d’Aosta. This decision was taken to ensure easier management and greater contact with needy families. If you live in Valle d’Aosta you might see flyers and posters hanging in reserved spaces at clinics located throughout the area.

The year 2017 has been very “short” for our association, and all activities listed above will continue also during 2018.

During 2017 we collected about 4,500.00 Euros in donations, and since the activities of the association had not yet started, we incurred only some administrative expenses (bank fees, stamp, PEC address, etc.).

La Casa di Sabbia for 2018

During 2018 we want to allocate a bit ‘of our strengths and resources to raising awareness on children’s home care. Thanks to the willingness of the Aostan photographer Stefano Scherma, specialized in photographing social phenomena, we would like to illustrate the families’ lives  using the images from their everyday life: all of this in an effort to show what it means to be domiciled, and to sensitize both society and political decision-makers. Soon we could share more details about this initiative.

            The second awareness raising initiative still requires some checks; and for now we can not reveal anything, but we hope to be able to do it as soon as possible!

The association has established an annual membership fee of 10 euros. If you are interested in the issues concerning the serious disability of children and you would like to share with us your skills, knowledge, paths you can call us  or write us to receive more information about the adhesion

Donations continued also in 2018, and since February it is also possible to directly donate by using the “Donate” button on Facebook.

Finally we take the opportunity to thank the Castagneti di Issogne association which has decided to allocate a donation of 1,000 euros to La casa di sabbia. The resources, generated by the sale of the famous pancakes, were collected during the Sant’Orso Fair which took place on 30 and 31 January in Aosta. We are infinitely grateful for the thoughts you have given us.

We also want to thank some young little friends of Saint-Pierre who have made, in these days, the donation of 350 euros in favor of the #unpodivita initiative!

Simply thanks for being there.

See you soon.


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