Do you want to give away or give yourself #abitoflife? You can do it!
Are you a mother or father of a child who requires continuous home care? Or among your friends or family, do you know someone who lives on daily basis such a situation? If yes, #abitoflife project is waiting for you!
“Hi Hervé! Now I am going, but I will come back! – This image is very meaningful to me because it represents a bit of what has become our life since the birth of Hervé, with a rare disease that is still undiagnosed but highly debilitating, which forces him to live at home.
Mothers and fathers become full-time caregivers, often neglecting relationships with the other sons and daughters, and relationship between themselves.
In the long run, the house becomes a headquarters from which it is difficult to leave while ensuring the disabled child is safe. We often do not know who to leave the child in serious condition with. Mother and father become irreplaceable. The house plays a very important role because it welcomes inside an extremely fragile baby that requires more or less intense care, 24 hours a day”. (Agnieszka)

#abitoflife project – the first project launched by ‘‘La casa di sabbia – Onlus” is designed precisely for mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters of children who are affected by highly disabling diseases, whose daily life ends up rotating around the rhythms of care of the son, brother or sister.
Thanks to the generosity of ‘traditional’ and ‘virtual’ donors, #abitoflife project offers families with severely disabled children with small moments of serenity.
- The project aims to finance highly individualized initiatives to grant moments of relief from the assistance of disabled child, providing qualified staff able to assist him/her safely.
- It also devotes particular attention to the siblings of disabled children, enrolling them to different activities (sports, socialisation, etc.) and/or allowing them to spend time with their parents in leisure moments.
As the difficulties of children in need of continuous assistance are specific and non-generalised, families’needs may be the most diverse. For this reason, #abitoflife is attentive to propose concrete actions that respond, on a case by case basis, to the demand of the family taken in charge.
The Initiative #abitoflife continues in 2020
We are pleased to inform you that our initiative #abitoflife continues also in 2020! This year we would like to highlight siblings’ activities outside school, in particular sport activities.
Sport is very important and, for those in distress, it is crucial. Sport does not just mean leisure, entertainment, but it is a real life school. It helps to accept the defeats, and enjoy the victories as well as small things every day. Sport is really important for giving children the opportunity to know and express themselves and thus increase self-esteem and positive thinking.

So far, we have supported sports campuses, horse-riding, swimming, tennis, martial arts, and much more, making children / younger and parents happy!
We are very pleased that, last year, Catherine Bertone, who is a Marathoner, a Mother and a Doctor, decided to support the sport part of our #abitoflife initiative.

Our #abitoflife project has also been awarded during the 10th Regional Volunteer Award, which has been promoted by the Regional Council of the Aosta Valley, with the support of the “Amici Fiamme Gialle of the Aosta Valley”, the Lions Clubs “Aosta Host”, “Aosta Mont-Blanc” and “Cervino” and the Rotary Clubs “Aosta” and “Courmayeur Valdigne”, in order to promote the development of volunteering in the entire region.
#abitoflife RULES
We decided to set up some rules to ensure transparency and clarity of the initiative #abitoflife.
- The beneficiaries of the project are families with children / young up to the age of 18 with highly debilitating diseases requiring intensive care.
- To better respond to the family’s needs, each project is individual and it is agreed between the association and the family taken in charge.
- The expenditures supported by the project consist of:
- special home care (e.g. a nurse)
- enrolment fees for courses, sports clubs, etc. for siblings of severe disabled child / young
- leisure activities for siblings of severe disabled child / young to be carried out with their parents
- The duration and the amount of the financial contribution will vary according to the agreed project and the availability of the resources of the Association.
In case of a large number of requests, priority selection criteria will be defined.
- All expenses are paid directly by the Association, with traceable means of payment to the individual suppliers who will have to issue the necessary supporting documents (invoices, receipts, etc.).
The family should not anticipate any expenditure, but merely contact suppliers and service providers.
- The data of the family members which take part to the #abitoflife project will not be disclosed.